
Lies and smears of the left! It’s all about the power.

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This not partisan.  It’s simply the sad affairs of today’s politics.  If you believe honesty matters… Read this article.  If you can find a mistake, let us know, we will correct it.  This is not about partisanship, but rather truth.  The goal here is Truth.  Unfortunately, today the truth is not always pretty… and often, not what we want it to be. short link http://allsolutionsnetwork.org/blog/8krq 

POWER OR INTEGRITY… What should we choose?
Past history and Current Actions show that for many leaders, TRUTH DOESN’T MATTER, INTEGRITY DOESN’T MATTER, FACTS DON’T MATTER… ONLY POWER MATTERS.  Whether you lean left or right you need to realize that you must take accusatory statements with, at least, a Table Spoon of salt!  🙂 
It’s happened countless times before and we are seeing it play out again…  Another last minute smear… It very well might be true but doesn’t the timing, circumstances and similarity to past tactics merit, a bit of skepticism?..

The Dem history is that prior to an election or confirmation, liberal prosecutors, politicians and even citizens often conspire to create empty, trumped up CRIMINAL charges and allegations against conservative politicians and leaders.   It doesn’t matter if the allegations are true or if the charges stick.  The goal is to cast a smelly disturbing, dark noxious cloud around the individual long enough to destroy their reputation, career or deny their appointment.  If the charge happens to be true, so much the better… but it usually isn’t true and to them, it just doesn’t matter…

…In fact, usually the allegations or charges don’t stick, and are ”OFTEN” tossed out of court… but the stink over the candidate and election lingers just long enough for the liberals to get another win based on lies.

Smear after smear, accusations, indictments, etc… Only to later have the charges dismissed, be found not guilty, acquitted or the conviction overturned on appeal… Is it a coincidence they are always vindicated, ONLY after the election???  It’s hard to argue your case, when you are forced to defend your character or defend your freedom in court.   

For any of whom this does not sound familiar, please see the below examples with cites.  Unfortunately it’s what they do!  And like him or hate him, it is also precisely, what they’ve been trying to do to Trump even since BEFORE elected!!

Neither party contains only angels.  I wish it were otherwise but in my investigations, when it comes to despicable smears at momentus times they come virtually always from the liberal side of the isle. TRUTH DOESN’T MATTER, INTEGRITY DOESN’T MATTER, FACTS DON’T MATTER… ONLY POWER MATTERS.

Here are a few examples of the liberal play book in action:
*No matter the nature of the policy or action, turn it into an attack!  If they have nothing, THEY MAKE IT UP!*

Even the most noble of goals or policies are used against the political opponent, if at all possible. How? Just lie about it!  This is hardly the party of honesty and integrity.

A couple electoral examples:
Do you remember that in the Obama/Romney presidential campaign, in which,Mitt Romney had filled a folder with a long list of qualified women to fill important positions within his administration?Romney’s goal was to lead the charge for women’s equality and they destroyed him with it! Honestly, is there anything at all improper with this goal? Of course not!
*What did the Dems do?* 
They used it as if he were berating, diminishing and even objectivizing women! All you heard from the democratic leaders was a constant refrain of accusations regarding the disgusting and improper “Romney’s folder full of women”! *they used his goal to lift women up, as a sledge hammer to knock him down!*

Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader got on the floor of the senate and gave a long speech in which he stated “we now know that Mitt Romney has not paid any taxes for the last TEN YEARS!”  The goal was to tap into the class warfare to enrage and envy by promoting a narrative of the greedy rich and the unfairness of a tax system that forces them to pay taxes even though this super rich elitist does not.  The fact is the Romney had paid many Millions in income taxes, plus millions to charity.  Will you be surprised to learn that it was just another dem lie?
That is the dem playbook in action!

Could anyone really be that corrupt?  Unfortunately yes.  They have not only unwarrantedly smeared hundreds, in many cases they go further… Don’t just go for the election win, but conspire with law officials to bring spurious criminal charges to not only prevalin in the coming election but cause permanently destruction to permanently eliminate the political threat.  

Tom Delay- House Minority Leader
House Majority Leader. After a failed attempt to indict him for campaign finance violations.  When they found it was impossible, the prosecutors tried again coming in with “additional evidence” and rebranded the charges as “money laundering”.  In this instance they were successful in getting and indictment and eventually even a conviction.  He unequivocally denied the charges, but nevertheless, he was sentenced to 5 years.  Maybe Delay really was rotten?  See the rest of the story?

Yes he was originally convicted but it was overturned and he was acquitted due to egregious prosecutorial misconduct. This speaks volumes to the “new evidence”. The charges were bogus, but the dems got their way.  Thanks to the dark cloud his career was not only destroyed, it cost the Republicans one of their most effective leaders.  Again, right, wrong, legal or illegal… none of this matters… only acquisition and retention of power matters to liberals.

Ted Stevens Alaska.
During the his Alaska senatorial re-election campaign the long time senator had multiple charges of fraud and abuse of funds brought against him.  He was actually convicted a scant 2 weeks prior to the election. This sham conviction was overturned after it was found the prosecutors had engaged in  “the systematic withholding of exculpatory evidence” (actual court verbage), that showed the allegations were false and that they knowingly allowed false testimony to be presented at trial.

Their actions were so egregious that the judge actually held the prosecutors in contempt of court and found guilty of “reckless professional misconduct”… but they were not fired! The decision to not fire was made by the Obama Justice Department. 

The conviction was overturned, but not before Stevens lost his long held Senate seat to a democrat… see  http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB123863051723580701 The defeat of Stevens and his replacement with a Democrat was INSTRUMENTAL in the passage of Obama Care. How convenient?

Whether one leans to the left of right, whether you hated or loved Obamacare or Obama’s ideologies is not the point.  We can be Americans and have divergent opinions.  But we are not Russia, China, or North Korea… This type of politics is taking us down that road.  IF IT DOESN’T STOP, THIS POLITICAL GUN WILL SOON BE TURNED BACK ON THOSE WHO NOW WIELD IT! 

Bob Packwood Oregon
He rightfully had some issues due to what would have been considered minor sexual harassment. But Republicans forced him to resign. (isn’t that what Dems do with their bad apples?). NOT– Clinton had engaged in serial sexual harassment, lying under oath, allegations of rape… the democrats didn’t just continue to support him, they continually pretended he was just a good old boy being hounded by a vast right wing conspiracy.  His wife Hillary was the pitbull whose job is was to discredit and destroy these woman… (so much for believing the accusers)then when it was found that is was true the dems said it was just about personal sex. See the irony? I mean hypocrisy?  For liberals, only the retention of power matters.

Sarah Palin Alaska–V.P Candidate with John McCain
Immediately after becoming the running mate of John McCain in 2008 was hit with 14 various ethics charges. (Quite a coincidence?). Eventually she was acquitted of every single one of them!  But the election was lost… Sound Familiar? 

Kay Bailey Hutchinson-  1993
Just 4 months after Hutchison’s record breaking landslide victory to fill the Senate seat that had been held for more than two decades by Lloyd Bentsen, a Democrat
the newly elected Senator was indicted on criminal charges of misusing her former state office for personal benefit.  She denied that she had engaged in any improper activity and said that the indictment is “merely another chapter in the sleazy campaign tactics employed by Democrats during the U.S. Senate campaign this year.” the case against her imploded as the judge decided the case was so bad he kicked it out of the court room.

Do you see anything familiar?  A new potential powerhouse on the scene?  Someone of such popularity that if they can’t get her out of the way, it may mean a long term, if not permanent loss of power?  Their fears were well founded.  She is still in office!

Governor Rick Perry- Texas Governor and Presidential Candidate
He overcame a charge of “abusing his power” by  VETO… (district attorney didn’t get what she wanted so she indicted the governor). It was overturned in 2016. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/02/24/charges-against-rick-perry-dismissed-by-texas-high-court-on-constitutional-grounds/.

Until recently, almost never will the accusation come from or be acknowledged from another liberal.  especially, not coming from their own. Their objective history is to circle the wagons and protect their own at all costs no matter how bad the action and no matter the level of proof.  Today is a bit different.  After the “Me Too”, movement came into being, they had to sacrifice a few of their own.  So they pushed out the ineffective Senator Al Franken and 88 year old Rep Conyers as their sacrificial lambs.   

Why would that be necessary?  They are staking their claim to the moral high ground on women’s abuse issues all in preparation for the 2020 election campaign of Trump?  Do you think they are above soliciting more accusers and preparing them to come forth during the coming campaign?  If they don’t “show” some smidgen of moral outrage now, the smears and hypocrisy that will be soon be on full display in coming elections would be blindingly obvious.  Am I too cynical?  Think about it.  

LIBERALS- Paragons of virtue, morality, honesty, aren’t they?
Think Hillary emails, Bill Clinton’s long history of abuse, the currently the cover up of Rep Keith Ellison’s physical abuse or the Crickets heard in response to Cory Ellison’s acknowledged of sexual abuse?  Aren’t women supposed to be believed?  Why don’t the Dems believe her?  Why are the dems not insisting on the resignations of Ellison and Booker?  Simple… They are both young, powerful and on the rise.  Booker actually seems positioned for a run at the presidency.  Each is still of use to the liberal non stop quest for power.   

How much have you heard about the recent abuses of Booker and Ellison?  If you watch main stream media you’ve probably close to nothing. 

The point is… the democratic party and its leaders are hypocrites with little care for honesty, “good policy” or integrity… (Note: I say “good policy”, because they are not stupid. They have to know what works and doesn’t…  History has proven what works and what doesn’t.  See http://allsolutionsnetwork.org/blog/a-tale-of-two-leaders-and-two-recoveries  and  http://allsolutionsnetwork.org/blog/liberal-policies-caused-the-financial-meltdown/  …but often, what works, http://allsolutionsnetwork.org/blog/the-reality-of-taxation doesn’t garner as many votes…  and as I think we’ve established, it’s all about the votes.

Speaking of Votes… Does voter fraud exist?  Liberals say no… Why?  http://wp.me/p2EGlL-3U3  

This doesn’t mean I believe conservatives are perfect. Absolutely not, but the tactics that are so much a part of liberal strategy, as of now, are nowhere to be seen in the actions of republicans.   And, for anyone who cares, No… 

  • Obama citizenship was quickly acknowledged by Rep leaders and most voters.
  • As to Bill Clinton, this is not an example of a false unwarranted accusation. He was fined $90,000 and lost his license to practice law because of his perjury regarding Monica Lewinski.

No Honesty, No Integrity… consistent agendas that have at their core nothing other than a quest for the acquisition and maintenance of pure, unadulterated power. My question to all Americans, HOW CAN  ANY AMERICAN, IN GOOD CONSCIENCE, SUPPORT THIS PARTY?

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